
News Park Innovaare

9th Annual General Meeting of innovAARE AG

Villigen, 20. June 2024

At the 9th Annual General Meeting of innovAARE AG on 20 June 2024, the Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Christian Brönnimann was also confirmed for a further year after all motions were approved. Prof. Dr. Regula Altmann-Jöhl, Director of the FHNW School of Business, and Dr. Till Rümenapp, Head of ABB Corporate Research Switzerland, were newly elected to the nine-member Board of Directors. Prof. Dr. Jürg Christener, FHNW and Dr. Stefan Ramseier ABB/Consenec did not stand for re-election. Dr. Christian Brönnimann is delighted with the two new members of the Board of Directors and thanks Prof. Dr. Jürg Christener for his commitment: "We are delighted that ABB and the FHNW are still represented on the Board of Directors. I would also like to thank all shareholders for their continued support over the past few years. The backing of the shareholders is a central pillar for the success of Park Innovaare and its companies.

Keys handed over at the end of 2023; move in at the beginning of 2024
Dr. Christian Brönnimann looks back on the past financial year with satisfaction: "2023 was one of the most exciting years in the history of innovAARE AG. The building was handed over at the end of 2023 and the first companies moved in at the beginning of 2024. At the same time, our shareholder base is developing very positively and the overall occupancy rate in the building is already over 80 percent." To date, more than 20 companies have moved into Park Innovaare, including numerous spin-offs from the PSI, the FHNW and the University of Basel, two technology transfer centers and large international companies.

HeiQ, cross-ING and Renaissance Fusion: an insight into three companies
Following the opening of the building at the beginning of 2024, the Annual General Meeting was held in the building's own event rooms for the first time. And thanks to three short presentations by Carlo Centonze, CEO of HeiQ, Hans-Peter Gemperli, CEO of cross-ING and Dr. Eric Favre from Renaissance Fusion, participants were given an exciting insight into the activities of the companies based at Park Innovaare. The aperitif that followed was used as an opportunity for exchange and networking.

Switzerland Innovation Park Innovaare
Park Innovaare connects technology-oriented start-ups, SMEs and R&D departments of established companies with the cutting-edge research of our strategic partners - the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW - and offers 23,000 m2 of state-of-the-art laboratory and office space that is optimally tailored to the requirements of the more than 20 companies in Park Innovaare. The unique access to the research infrastructure, large-scale research facilities and know-how of the PSI gives the companies in Park Innovaare important technological proximity and a corresponding head start. Park Innovaare focuses on four areas: Photonics and Quantum Technologies, Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing & Semiconductor Technologies and Energy & Sustainability. Park Innovaare is one of six locations of Switzerland Innovation