Connected at all levels 

As a meeting point for science and industry, academic and industrial research, as well as interdisciplinary and cross-functional innovation, Park Innovaare offers great networking potential with leading research institutes, universities, industry representatives, and government agencies.

Park Innovaare collaborates closely with leading universities, research, and educational institutions. This inspiring academic environment, rich in available technologies and leading experts, opens up a wealth of opportunities for technology-oriented companies. Key partners include:

Behind the Switzerland Innovation Park Innovaare stand international companies and innovative SMEs, as well as leading industrial R&D companies, renowned financial institutions, and other highly specialized service providers and suppliers. Important partners include:

Park Innovaare benefits from the active support of the canton, municipalities, industry associations, and other institutions. In particular, the Aargau economic promotion agency advises and supports companies on relocation, establishment, financing, and site selection. Thanks to the canton's high-tech strategy, Park Innovaare benefits from a broad network of innovation and technology transfer platforms. Key regional partners are: