News Park Innovaare
The ‘Who's Who’ of the Swiss Semiconductor Industry met on 7 March 2025 for the first Swiss Semiconductor Day at the Switzerland Innovation Park…
With today's signing of the contract, the new shareholders Aarau and Baden have agreed on a joint implementation strategy with Switzerland Innovation…
Proxima Fusion, a fusion start-up designing fusion power plants based on the stellarator concept is moving with several Members of Proxima Fusion to…
9th Annual General Meeting of innovAARE AG: All motion approved and two new Board members elected.
After four years of construction, a modern innovation park with 23,000 m2 of clean rooms, laboratories, precision workshops, offices and meeting rooms…
Park Innovaare
On December 20, 2023, the overall contractor ERNE AG handed over the new buildings in Villigen to the investor CPV/CAP Pensionskasse Coop.
TLD Photonics is leasing a makerspace at Park Innovaare for 2024. Prof. Bojan Resan, co-founder and CTO of TLD Photonics, signed a contract and sees…
The Swiss Photonic Integration Center Swiss PIC confirms the establishment of its cleanrooms at Park Innovaare. With over 100 square meters of space…
We are excited to announce a strategic collaboration between Switzerland Innovation Park Innovaare and Renaissance Fusion, a cutting-edge fusion…
Excelsus Structural Solutions confirms its presence at Park Innovaare and will move to the new innovation campus to open in January 2024
Park Innovaare offers companies access to the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) nanofabrication cleanroom facility, as well as access to adjoining…
Switzerland Innovation Park Innovaare, a leading, globally connected deep-tech innovation hub, together with its key founding partner Paul Scherrer…
People in Park Innovaare
Five questions to Dr. Florian Döring. Physicist Dr. Florian Döring is the CEO and founder of XRnanotech. He leads one of the youngest spin-offs of…
Robert Rudolph – CEO of Park Innovaare since April 2023. Robert Rudolph previously served as the Head of Technology Transfer at the Paul Scherrer…
VDL Groep is an international, family-owned industrial company with more than 100 operating companies in 19 countries and a workforce of more than…